Trusted by 1,000+ organizations
Gain unparalleled wealth intelligence
Identify and prioritize affluent and high value constituents through Windfall's revolutionary approach to wealth screening.
Harness the power of machine learning and AI
Optimize development workflows for initiatives such as major gifts and planned giving by leveraging propensity modeling bespoke to your organization.

Leverage key insights to drive timely and relevant outreach
Access life events and career intelligence to understand and engage constituents at the right time, with the right message.
Market to new prospects and current constituents across channels
Segment and target existing constituents and acquire net-new donors through digital and direct marketing channels.
Windfall makes wealth screening and prospect research more effective with simple, accurate data. Now that our portfolios are set up with reliable constituent wealth data, we are more
empowered to reach out to them, and our success motivates us to continue.”
Karny Stefan | Chief Development Officer
Make-A-Wish Arizona
Nonprofit memberships